Developing A Heart Through Obscurity – Part 1

Developing a Heart through Obscurity -Part 1­­­

“I don’t need my name in lights, I don’t need a starring role, and why gain the whole wide world if I am just going to lose my soul?”    – Lecrae 

I am not too far removed from a time in my life when I placed much of my identity in the attention I received from playing soccer. If I wasn’t playing it, reading about it, playing a video game of it, or watching it, then I was dreaming about the popularity that would come with being successful in it. I had a deep longing to receive the trust of my teammates, the respect of my opponents, and the affection of the fans. As a matter of fact, there was a time I was so consumed with impressing others I managed to convince my mom to sign me up for my own personal gymnastic lessons. It wasn’t satisfying enough to just score goals, but I also wanted to have a cool celebration to go along with it. Looking back, I truly feel sorry for the poor instructor that had to deal with me during those few sessions. In the end, all I had to show for my mother’s hard earned money was the ability to do a cartwheel (if you could call it that..many six-year old girls would be ashamed if they saw it) and the ability to do a backflip…in a pool. It would be safe to assume that my brief experiment with gymnastics is not something I am proud of.

While I can sit back and laugh about it today, this story serves as a personal reminder of how much stock I put in how others perceive me. I believe many others can relate. We are willing to subject ourselves to fit into a certain mold, live behind an edited social media profile, jump through hoops and do whatever possible so that others will think favorably of us.

The problem with such a mentality is that we will end up riding the highs and lows that come with trying to impress others. Titles, talent, fame, body figure, accomplishments and possessions are all temporary; the joy that comes from those things is fleeting. The affirmation that we receive from others through such things will fade and eventually leave us empty if that is where we place our worth. A person will chase the spotlight only to find it moving on to someone else. Author and Pastor Lance Witt wrote that Even if you’ve had a moment where the spotlight is on you, it doesn’t last long. The spotlight is fickle. It will always turn toward the next rising star. Even if you’re in the spotlight today, obscurity is coming again. It’s inevitable.”

You see, despite our best efforts we will eventually all find ourselves in a state of obscurity at some point in our lives. In such times what will one have to lean on to find worth? It is my belief that the strongest individuals are those who are able to embrace obscurity and be content. Such a person will be at peace regardless if anyone is there to notice their successes. This individual is a person of integrity. There is no difference in who they are in private and who they are in public. They don’t hide behind titles, social media profiles, achievements, or anything else. They don’t have an unhealthy need to gain the approval of others. They are secure with who they are and their place in this life.


Because, such a person has discovered that the road to significance and worth starts by taking their rightful spot in the background. Our efforts to chase the spotlight leave us empty because we are not fit for the lead role. The best thing we can do is surrender ourselves to the only Person who demands the spotlight. As people who naturally desire the spotlight it is harder than it sounds to live out a life that allows God to take the lead role in every aspect. But, even though it can be difficult, it is of uttermost importance that one is intentional in taking the first steps towards the backseat. Doing so is the first and most vital step in developing a heart that embraces and matures through obscurity.

Look out for part 2…